Said Santorum, who was interviewed at Pla-Mor Lanes, a Chilton, Wisconsin bowling alley, "‘Bowling Alone’ is about the breakdown of social capital in this country,” he said. “People used to come together in leagues and groups. Bowling is a social[ist] sport. You talk and eat and drink and are together. It’s a commitment to go every week. My dad bowled in a league, and I went with him. He was a lefty. We went on league night, it was part of my childhood."
Fox News is reporting that the league in question may well have been the Communist League.
Apparently, in the state that brought us Senator Joseph McCarthy and his infamous Red hunts, Santorum has managed to gain some traction with this appeal to leftist sympathizers. Said one potential voter, “I feel a common denominator with him,” said Carrie Pritchard, a 40-year-old homemaker who watched Mr. Santorum roll an Everyman’s score of 124 here. “If anybody can come to a bowling alley and hang out with everyone, I like that a lot.”
Rick Santorum demonstrating his leftist leanings.
Senior campaign officials clearly support Santorum's left-ward slant. Said John Brabender, his chief strategist, “It’s really meant to be a cultural story, who Rick really is .... I think every presidential
candidate wants people to get a peek into their real life so they can
make a value judgment.”
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